Copy of Ashley Kelsey Personal Trainer (3)

Bonnie Bryson, group personal trainer will help you reach your fitness goals in a small and personalized group setting with 3 other clients.
My name is Bonnie Bryson and I’m one of the Silver Sneakers instructors and Tighten and Tone instructors. I grew up in Oregon and moved to NC in 1998 to SCUBA dive. I knew I was home and wanted to plant roots in ENC when I drove over the Atlantic Beach Bridge and saw the Atlantic Ocean.
> I’m married to my incredible husband of 12 years, Michael. We have 3 amazing children Jessie, Kyle and Conor. I spend most of my time as a stay at home mom, aka domestic engineer, and have the benefit of working a couple hours a week doing what I also love, exercising and working with an amazing group of people. In my spare time I love camping, kayaking, going to the beach, working in the yard, crafting and cooking.

You can reach out to me at , or simply sign up online!

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